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 All the performances in the festival take place with participants’ contributions. We do not make any prearrangement with artists for performances prior to the festival. In other words, every year who performs what is a surprise for all of us.


Anyone who attends to J-Fest and who has a minor or major performance can perform on various stages in the festival area. They can even perform anytime off the festival program at a place of their own preference. All they need to do is to notify the entrance of any support they need and announce their performance on the workshop board.


Those who’d like to perform at the gala night can get in touch with us in advance.

All the performances in the festival including the gala night are held on an open stage basis.

Public Show

This year too we will have a public performance at the Clock Tower in Kemer after the parade. If you have a performance to stage at the end of the parade you can get in touch with us either in the first few days of the festival or in advance.


Fire Night

Fire night is open for anyone who’d like to play with fire. So don’t forget to bring your fire equipment with you. We will have lots of paraffin for the fire night, all you need to do is to play, dance, and have a great time.

If you have a performance for fire night or you’d like to make music please get in touch with us.


Open stage- Gala Performance

Gala night is performed at the end of the festival in the big tent every year. We build up special sound and light systems for the Gala night. If you have a minor or major performance you want to stage at the Gala night, please introduce yourself to the organization committee prior to or in the first few days of the festival. Or you can contact us through now already.


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